
Hi and welcome!
I’m Jesse, and I’m the creator behind The Huntress Portal (THP).

Self-defined spiritual being in a body and big-brained mammal, this human female currently resides in Nashville, Tennessee, in the United States with her handsome and talented man partner, 2 much younger humans, and 2 elder feline gentlemen.

I have enjoyed a deep and abiding spiritual connection with my maker for as long as I can recall. Since my first experience of divine intervention, around age 11, I’ve followed the call to sustain my curiosity in the areas that hold my interest. Other hobbies and passions come and go, but the impetus to understand my self in relation to God, the universe, my fellow humans and the planet – I’m internally driven to seek wisdom on this. For a while in my younger adulthood, the fire really diminished and I wasn’t motivated to stoke it. I’d become apathetic.

The page turned, as they do, and I’ve undergone quite a thorough refurb. To be honest, the words to describe it are still coming to me.

At the beginning of what I’m calling my midlife chrysalis, I became aware that I’d lost myself and what had remained and seemed to be in charge was hell bent on keeping me in a loop of frustration…predictable, safe, and distracted.

To start to enjoy my life, I needed to get back to knowing thyself and what thyself even wants and likes! So, for the last couple of years, I’ve been making an effort to figure out what I like and make it happen more often.
Writing is one of those things, and it’s been a lot of round and round in my head about what it will be and why and for whom and about what, and so on.

The gist of what I want to disclaim or warn or make sure I’ve said is that:
I’m not interested in writing from the POV of someone who thinks she knows best or better than others. This is not “expertise” of any official sort.
I just enjoy making some kind of sense of my life experiences and sharing that with others in this particular way. I hope to spread a little lightness and comfort to readers, and also a bit of challenge or spark of curiosity.

I appreciate your attention.